Expires 20/10/2024

Expires 20/10/2024

Expires 02/11/2024
Get som amazing shoes this Christmas at Clarks. We have found the best deals for you to save and get the most our of your money.
A wide range of shoes for the kids, women and men. They also offer plenty of discounts so make sure you check back here peeps x
Clarks Discounts and offers this Christmas?
If you want a really good bargain and your willing to wait until November, then Black Friday week is what you need. Every year Clarks really discount for Christmas and it starts during the Black Friday week.
You will be able to get some super savings on all our favourites including Sandals, Boots and even kids shoes. Some of the savings are up to 50% discount, which can save you an absoulute fortune. As we all know, Clarks are not the cheapest footwear store, but they DO provide quality which will usually outlast other brands.

Expired 29/09/2024